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  • Have you investigated Oak Island, or have any plans to include this in future investigations?
    The foundation and early history have been researched in years past to a Phase 1 coverage level, there are no plans to pursue in the future, this is aptly covered by the Lagina brothers and produced by Prometheus Entertainment.
  • What about the Knights Templar?
    The same applies here, in years past this was investigated to a Phase 1 coverage Level, there are no plans to pursue in the future.
  • Do you see Europe as an opportunity in the future?
    Yes, Europe is a large and broad canvas of opportunity, there has been Phase 1 investigations ongoing for years in several areas, these will be vetted and prioritized in the near future to proceed as focused Phase 2 level investigations.
  • Are you for hire as a historical investigator, and if not, why not?
    No (generally), and here’s why. There are countless possible cases; one must tread very carefully in the selections and vetting process as noted in that section. Many treasure books, treasure tales, and historical content can appear at face value as if they present great opportunity, but in general references to treasure are fleeting and vague, research is time consuming, and in certain cases embellishers shine the penny brightly, efforts and costs must be expended wisely, so selectivity and due process matters.
  • What drew you to historical pursuits?
    Family geology as a start, the richness of the unknown past and the boundless mysteries to be solved, drew continual application and practice.
  • Do you have a favorite family history tale?
    Yes, my father, his siblings, and grandparents lived in Corpus Christi in the 1930’s/early 1940’s. My grandfather was a manager for the Miranda Lumber Company; they had the contract to provide lumber to build the military base. I interviewed my grandmother, Gertrude Emiline Williams (Bubbles) in 1985, and asked if she remembered when they left Corpus Christi. She said, “Oh honey, I remember the very day.” I was incredulous. Her story..when the military base was complete, my grandfather was transferred to Orange Texas to support the building of Liberty ships. They packed all-day & evening, and then departed late at night. When arriving in Beaumont, she turned on the radio to gain any news, and that is when they learned Pearl Harbor had been bombed. That is how she always knew the day.
  • Why not California, with all the gold history in that State?
    Much of California cases fall under the “Mines and Mountains” category, which I do not pursue. Still, there are several potentially interesting cases; but these have not risen on the priority list.
  • Why the Twin Sisters Cannon, and what do these represent?
    These were the only two cannon used by the Republic of Texas Army during the Battle of San Jacinto against Mexican forces, this battle they fought for Texas Independence. They are an icon of Texas history, and are considered by many as the Holy Grail of lost Texas antiquities. These became property of the Union after the end of the Civil War, but were spirited away in the night of June 1865 by patriotic confederates and buried, the vagueness of the clues by Dr. Henry North Graves, and the failure to engage him materially by those that mattered, has resulted in over 150 years of their disappearance. The focused pursuits on a larger coordinated scale since the Civil War have been either non existent or inadequate. The ultimate goal is the recovery, reconditioning, and mounting on period carriages, and then returning the cannon to the battlefield.
  • Is there an average length that these investigations require?
    Typically, from start to finish, the investigations on a non-continual basis due to changing priorities of projects based on information discovery, are averaging 7- 10 years, several certainly longer.
  • Has the last 5-10 years changed the nature of historical investigations?
    Absolutely. So much more information has been digitized and available now than in the past, some of this is for preservation of information due the aging of books and other collateral documents. Even the pandemic has changed the manner in which certain libraries and repositories offer their material and/or access to this material.
  • What is your position on technology, its current impediments to land based underground searches, and what excites you about the future?
    The limitations of ground penetrating radar will hopefully be further in the rear view mirror with other technological advances. Drones represent the present and future, and their relative advancements which allow broad formation controlled area coverage with precision utilizing a variety of sensing technologies. LIDAR certainly is a welcome benefit, and its size and costs reduction advancements, as well as emerging underground 3D imaging technology which can be carried by drone. There are other potential technological advancements which require R & D. These, if coming to an appropriate realization, will enhance the discovery opportunity greatly.
  • With everything said and noted, this appears best manifested on a larger scale by a team of specific skilled personnel at the core, with a well defined stage-gate execution process, but also technology R&D, business and operational structures and practices which dependent upon a ROI of successful asset recoveries to fund the entire venture. Do you see this as the desired and necessary future?
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